In 2015, Cyber Fox took over the Czech Post core mobile application. The existing app provides a selection of basic functionality, such as ZIP code search, shipment tracking, or nearest post office search. Despite its limited usability, the app has over 300.000 downloads on both platforms. Together with Czech Post e-commerce department, significant effort has been made to analyze and prepare web services, interfaces and design for a much more practical app. Coming to the stores early in 2017.
The Posta Online app exists for both major platforms, iOS and Android. Large backend interface provides control over content and data exchange. The backend is hosted on our servers. In 2017, the current solution will be completely replaced by a new one, with fresh design, UX and many functionality upgrades.
iOS app Android app architecture backend hosting SLATEAM AND TIME
Updated iOS and Android apps were delivered in 2015 with minor updates in 2016. Competely revamped apps are planned for 2019. A consistent team of iOS, Android and PHP developers is led by an account manager, who communicates directly with the e-commerce team in Czech Post.